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Custom kitchen pull out shelves from the sliding shelf experts at Shelves That Slide

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225 System
Custom Topper


Pull out sliding TV shelves

Swivel and pullout shelves for your television

225 pound capacity swivel base for tv stands sliding shelfs
225 television shelf

Our most popular unit
Television swivel shelf tv slider shelves slide pull roll out
Custom Topper for slide out systems

Most units ship in 2 to 3 business days, custom toppers ship in about a week

Perfect for TV stands, armoires and entertainment centers

TV shelves for CRT, LED, Plasma and LCD pull out and swivel

TV swivel shelving from light weight to heavy duty!

TV Shelves has the pull out TV shelf you have been looking for. The weight ratings for most of these systems were based on the old picture tube type televisions. For today's flat screen TV's you need to consider the set's size more than the weight. A 46" LED set may weigh just 70 pounds but you should not even think about the 110 unit. The 225 would be the correct choice for that 46" set. If you are looking for a pull out shelf for your kitchen cabinet please take a look at For less expensive pull out shelves for your kitchen and pantry cabinets check out

Swivel shelfs    

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